Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I'll write a blog!

That's what I'll do!
Well the results are in and I'm officially visually impaired. That's right, blind as a bat. I decided to go get an eye exam yesterday while we still have insurance before that Marxist, you know who I mean, takes away my insurance and my family doctor that I've come to love over the years (just kidding, I am pumped to get free healthcare whenever I want it I don't care if I have to wait in a longer line and I'm also happy that everyone can get said healthcare. Call me a socialist I don't care in-fact I call myself one). I had quite a good experience at the ol' optometrist office I'm happy to report. The first lady that helped me noticed I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov (yes I'm still reading that) and we started talking about books. She had never heard of Cal's so I told her all about it. The Doctor was a very sweet lady from India that spoke three languages. She was kind enough to answer all my questions pertaining to eyeballs and India. And the lady that helped me choose glasses was just a friendly lass. I tried to choose some neat looking frames, but all the ones I liked were expensive. I ended up choosing some that will probably be dorky and I'll have to hear Kelly poke fun at me whenever I wear them. That's life. I even enjoyed the test itself. I was pretty surprised to see how much more clear everything looked through lenses. I never even knew that I had bad vision, but turns out I do.