Thursday, December 18, 2008
How redding rolls
Monday, December 01, 2008
Thanksgiving. Eagles kick basses asses all the time.
I have come here for a purpose
I am here for a reason
But already my purpose is diminishing
As I listen to the twang of a banjo.
I arrived with a goal in mind
With my eyes on the finish line
But the prize seems out of reach
As I stare at my steaming cup.
I came here to finish it
To cease procrastination
But completion seems unattainable
As I sit and let my wandering mind wander.
I came to this place
Where my mind can focus
But now, I think I'll just let my thoughts drift.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dear villians,
I am sorry to have to write you this letter, but I feel that I must. As you may or may not know, when I am not masked, that is, when I am not Batman, I am a wealthy playboy. I own one of the most successful businesses in town and am able to earn quite a lucrative living from said business. Please understand that I am unable to divulge the name of my business on the grounds that it would enable you to know my true identity, thus placing my life in grave danger. I trust that you will make no inquiries as to my business, just as I make none into yours. How I see it, your personal life is your own and it is no concern to me how you make a living when you are not participating in villanry and other frowned upon activities. That being said...
You must understand how busy and hectic everyday life can be at times. What with trying to live a secret life in the late hours of the night and retain the facade of an everyday joe during the daytime. And furthermore, you also must understand how desired a holiday away can be at times. So here is my proposal; I propose that we all take some time off, me from battling crime during the wee hours of the night, and you from committing crime during the same wee hours. Presumably, you have agreed to the idea of a vacation and already may find yourself dreaming of a nice cold mojito on a sandy beach somewhere in the Caribbean. At least that is what I am dreaming of, it is likely that you may vacation in Europe, say skiing the Alps? or touring the Eiffel Tower?
I will be away for the month of April, and would appreciate it very much if you could try to plan your time off correspondingly. I realise that you may not be able to get time off your regular (day) job in April, but I believe that if we are all on the same page for this, we can all enjoy some much needed time off without too much overlapping, for example, Say Joker, perhaps you would leave a little before me, the last week of March perhaps. That would cause you to arrive back in Gotham a week before me. I could see how that may cause you to possibly go onto a crime spree for a week seeing as I would not be there to stop you. Obviously I would frown upon such activities. So just to avoid an awkward situation, we should just all agree on April as our vacation time. Plus, a little side note, April would be ideal for me because it would put me in the islands well away from hurricane season. Thank you all very much for hearing me out.
Your favorite “Pain in the ass”
your local cape crusader at large
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hooray for bikes!
“Well alright, bye.” She said as she took her first step toward the door. She never looked back, she just walked right out through the door and immediately embraced her renewed freedom. She stopped on the sidewalk and looked around. Her new surroundings were vastly different from the prison cell that she had spent the last twenty years in. To her left, where her bunk would have been, she found a bustling street filled with people. To her right, where there was nothing but a cinder block wall, she saw a museum, filled with beautiful paintings and sculptures. And the most profound difference was directly above her. Where there was only dull gray cement ceiling in her cell, she could see the infinite sky, clear and blue.
She stood there, outside of the prison doors for several minutes, just listening to the sounds of the city. The sounds that she dreamt of while in captivity. She stood there, listening, and looking. Staring at the sky, watching the birds soaring effortlessly. She followed one with her eyes for as long as she could see it. She watched the way it flew around, looking for a good tree branch to land on where it could find some plump insects to lunch on. She watched the way it landed on the branch; swooping down while in flight, approaching the branch with speed, then flapping it's wings backward to slow down causing it to hoover for an instant before setting down onto the chosen branch. She marveled at the delicate grace of the little blackbird and watched it until it flew away.
She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She focused on the air she was breathing and felt it travel through her body filling her lungs wholly. The air was hers, the world was hers, she was free. She held the air in for a few seconds and then slowly released it back into the atmosphere. She pretended that she could see her exhaled breath leaving her body and traveling upward into the sky. It moved lightly, higher and higher until it reached as high as the tallest building. She saw it stop and turn around, her breath came back down to her and told her, “Thank you, thank you for releasing me.” It floated away again and dissipated into a million particles that mingled with the rest of the air.
She began to walk down the sidewalk, the world was new, all was fresh. Liberated and free she strode along the bustling sidewalk and disappeared among the millions of people that she now shared the city with.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
photo phun

Friday, October 31, 2008
hate edge
clever slogans and pics of babes
a fun lifestyle and things you crave
stinky clothes and cigarette butts
uncontrollable cravings drive you nuts
smoke our cigarettes and forget your strife
now your addicted, addicted for life.
Tobacco schmomacco look into our eyes;
tobacco schmomacco you fell for our lies.
I'm not anti-smoking or anything, but it just came to mind. I think it is kind of funny that the tobacco industry has to take all the hits for using sex and a fun lifestyle to sell their product when every company (almost) does it. But then again, most products out there don't usually kill you when you use them too much.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Just livin' the Dutch life.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hawk photo
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The autobhan society would be proud
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
A light hearted post for a light hearted day...
Monday, September 29, 2008
roses are red poems are difficult for me to write.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Alex V. Ziesing
Alex V. Ziesing
male, 37 years old, scrap metal collector, tall,
skinny, stubble, short thin black hair, pale skin,
blue eyes. He is a Ukrainian immigrant.
He has no pets, friends or family in America. He
lives life alone and on average only speaks with one
person throughout his day, the man at the recycling
plant. He earns a living collecting scrap metal and
turning it in for cash. His apartment is in a slum of
the Glendale area in New York. It is populated mostly
by other immigrants from Albania and Poland. He does
not speak english or the languages of his neighbors,
so he can not speak to anyone. He has, however,
picked up bits of English from his brief encounters at
the recycling plant.
He does not own an automobile, his primary
transportation is an old brown bicycle which he can
attach a home made trailer to when he needs to haul
scrap metal.
His apartment is a bare and dingy studio. His bed is a
mattress that he found in the alley behind his house.
He only has one thin blanket to keep warm at night.
There is one light in his studio and is in the center
of the ceiling and can be flipped on and off by a
switch that is by the front door and makes a loud
"click" sound when it is flipped. To pass the time he
will flip the switch on and off. He does this for
hours on end late into the night. It is the only
thing he does beside collecting metal, eating and
sleeping. He likes to watch the light continue to
glow in the darkness even after he has switched it
off. When the light ceases to glow, he turns it back
on and then quickly off again.
His primary form of nourishment is potatoes which he
peels and boils whole. Sometimes if he has extra
money he will cook the potato with an onion. But
usually he will only eat a potato.
After he is tired of flipping his light switch he will
go to sleep, usually on his mattress, but often he
will fall asleep while staring at the light slowly
fading in the darkness and will spend the night
leaning against his front door. The nights that he
sleeps on his mattress he will not dream, he will only
close his eyes and then he will reopen them in the
morning. But the nights that he falls asleep propped
against his door he will always have vivid and
colorful dreams. He dreams of his childhood in
Odessa, a large city located on the coastline of the
Black sea. He dreams of going to the soccer games and
cheering for his favorite club, the Chornomets. He
had once aspired, as most young boys from Odessa did,
to be a star defender for the club. His dream, also
as most young boys from Odessa, would never become a
reality though. In his dreams he walks through the
streets of Odessa and looks at the old Mediterranean
style architecture or at the boxy cement buildings
that linger from the soviet occupation like black
cadillacs outside of a funeral. These old buildings
are often adorned with the soviet hammer and sickle,
the symbol that was supposed to promote hard work and
bring equality to those that gazed upon it, but
instead brought fear and oppression.
His dreams are not always pleasant though. Sometimes
he will have nightmares of the night the KGB came and
took his parents away. One of his neighbors had
reported his parents of being American sympathizers
and moles for the American government, a very serious
crime in any soviet country. His dreams will be
haunted with the sound of the door being broken down
and his mother screaming out in pain. He will hear
the sound of his mothers fingers being broken. He
will hear the sound of the crow bar smashing into his
fathers knee caps. And he will hear the sound of his
parents being dragged away while their cries of pain
and agony reach only his ears. In his dreams he
remembers feeling useless and unable to help his
parents. He recalls just lying in his bed, paralyzed
with fear, not being able to lift his finger. He
wakes from his nightmares that same way, paralyzed by
fear, the screams of his mother freshly calling out in
his head. It usually takes him a while to realize
that he is not in odessa, that he is safe in America
now. That his parents are not being tortured anymore,
they are by now and no doubt have been dead and put
out of their misery for several years.
After dreaming this he will switch his light on and
off and watch the bulb glowing orange in the center
of his room.