Thursday, June 25, 2009

Does anyone do this anymore?

Boy that blog boom really died out didn't it? For a while everyone was really into it and posting almost everyday. Guess most of us got burnt out. Oh well, this is what Kelly and I have been up to:
Going to southern California for:
A. My sisters baby shower
B. My Grandma's 80th birthday bash
We went to Mariposa for a wedding and after the wedding drove to San Fransisco for the oldest foot race in California. It's a funny race to watch because, while it is only 8 miles long, it is very grueling and many people faint crossing the finish line. Also because when people come running down the home stretch they are often covered in mud or blood or both from wiping out earlier.
I have poison oak on my arms and it looks pretty gross. An asshole doctor prescribed some steroids for me on Saturday. Now it is Wednesday, I'm out of steroids and still covered in oozing oily poison oak bubbles. Here's why that doctor was an asshole: He needs to get laid. Just kidding. Those are the kinds of jokes I make when I watch too much Sex and the City, which is what I've been doing lately. Here's the real reason: He talked to me like I was a "rural" living hick that is full of stupid questions. That's all I want to say about that.
I just finished reading a book called World War Z, an oral history of the zombie war. Sounds nerdy right? Right. But it was really good, so good that it gave me a dream that I was killing zombies! One of which was a dog whose skull I smashed with an aluminum baseball bat. It was a fun dream and book. The book takes place a few years after zombies almost take over the planet and is told through a series of interviews with survivors of the war. Now I'm reading Animal Farm. It's about animals on a farm sans humans, but I have a feeling that Orwell is using some kind of symbolism.
I haven't been working that much lately, so I've been thinking of ways to make an extra buck or two. One way is I did a little weed-whacking for Dan and Ann-Marie Morrow (that's where the poison oak came from). Another is I built a bike and am going to sell it. The bummer about making money this way is that I spent all the weed-whacking money (and then some) getting poison oak treatment, and you can't sell a bike if nobody buys it. Oh well.
Kelly and I are going to Argentina in a month for 3 weeks. We are very excited and plan on:
A. Drinking lots of Argentine wine
B. Going to a soccer game
C. visiting Iguazu falls
D. Eating lots of tasty steak. Allegedly the best in the world.
E. Might get a tattoo
OK bye.


Rebecca Steed said... comments yet huh? Well, I'll break that curse. I read your blog, and I liked it. Apparently I am a blog consumer, and not a blog contributor.

Kim said...

I like your blogposts too. And I'm still with the craze. I blog alot!

Enjoyed getting caught up on what you and Kelly have been up to. Hope your poison oak is better by now!